
Robbie  (rescued July 2017)

Hello, my name is Robbie and I have an interesting story to tell.
In the summer of 2017 I lost my way and was left to wander the streets hungry and alone.
Eventually I was found and taken to Westie Rescue of Canada who arranged to have me adopted by my new family. I had a lot of health issues including weightloss, ear infections as well as Malassezia dermatitis on my legs and belly. Those problems have all been corrected and I am now physically and mentally healthy.
Last year, I ran and played with my sister McKenzie and older brother Seamus in our large 1 acre property. We would chase after squirrels but could never catch them before they climbed into trees and laughed at us. Sadly Seamus died of pancreatic cancer in September 018. Mum, Dad. McKenzie and I miss him a lot.
One of my favourite pastimes is going for long walks. I am a really good walker but occasionally I have to stop so I can use my sense of smell to understand the world around me. Fortunately, mom or dad is attached to me by a collar and leash which ensure we don’t get lost.
I also enjoy our trips in the family truck... especially when they include a walk in the park or a hike in the woods. Iusually fall asleep on the drive home but my nose always wakes me up when we are two blocks from the house.
I feel like I’m the luckiest dog in the world!


Wiggy  (rescued 2018)

Wiggy is a little 8 yr. old girl that found herself needing a new home when her family could no longer care for her. We had a loving family that had adopted 2 of our rescues several years ago& when one of the dogs passed some time ago, they were eagerly awaiting another rescue.

They welcomed Wiggy with open arms.

She is a busy, happy little girl and is enjoying her new home. Her new Mom says that Wiggy is a lovely & loving little dog that enjoys learning something new everyday.

She has fit in really well with her new family and they have now adopted her.



Kailey (rescued 2018)
Kailey, a 9yr old West Highland white Terrier came to her new home, an acreage just outside of Sherwood Park.The move was necessitated by the move of her original and only owners into a no pets€¯ condo. It was a sad time for them and after getting to know Kailey for only a short time it is easy to understand why.The move was coordinated by the Alberta branch of Westie Rescue of Canada. Lise was very thorough and caring,ensuring she was turned over in good health and to the right new home.
Kailey was a little tentative ( and understandibly so ) the first few days, but soon warmed up to both me and her new home. She is very content except when she spots a squirrel out either the front or rear window. She quickly came to associate evergreen trees and squirrels. She soon settles down after a few minutes of vigorous barking. She loves to sit out and look out the window. She loves her twice a day walks sometimes short, other times long. She likes to explore in the long grass or along the edge of the bush.She is very appreciative and has several cute ways of showing this perky ears and a wagging tail. She is a wonderful companion and I am happy to have her in my life. Kailey’s new Dad.


Great news, Toby has been adopted!
Toby came in to rescue in March 2015 with infected ears & eyes and horrendous skin issues.
He was considered a permanent rescue so that Westie Rescue of Canada could provide him with his medical needs.
Toby has been pictured on our Permanent Rescues page of our website for quite some time.
You can see in those pictures just how severe his skin issues were, hard to believe this is the same boy!!

Despite Toby’s problems he has always been a sweetie with a wonderful temperament .During his 3 years in rescue he has been with the same foster Mom who has given him the love & care he deserves. It’s amazing what a loving home and proper treatments can do!
It’s been a long road for Toby but he has thrived and is now a healthy & happy little guy. Although he still does need some veterinary attention, he is stable and his Mom has adopted him!
Toby and his family celebrated his adoption with a cake!
Way to go Toby, hope you enjoyed it!



MURPHY  rescued Feb 2016
Murphy, an 18 month old Westie, came to us when he was about 4 months old.  He had been living with an elderly woman who was blind and just couldn’t cope with a puppy. He had received no toilet training or socializing when he came into rescue. He was an Alpha male and was constantly in the face of the other male dog in his first foster. So Murphy was moved to a home with an older female Westie who he seemed to look up to as his Westie Mum as soon as he arrived.
From his new Forever Mum:
 Murphy has been a challenge from the start.  It has taken so long to housebreak him and when I think he has finally got it. He lifts his leg and pees on the leg of the chair in the kitchen.  His accidents are few and far between now but I am thankful that I don’t have carpets so I don’t have to worry if he does. His behavior has also been challenging.. He became quite reactive to other dogs, some people and certain objects around the age of 12 months.  I don’ know why this sudden change in his behavior but it was very scary for  I couldn’t take him out for walks for fear of what he might do. He would bark and growl viciously at people, big dogs, black garbage bags, garbage bins etc. Fortunately, Westie Rescue paid for a trainer to come and show me how to manage him and this has almost completely stopped now..
In spite of his challenges, Murphy is a delight most of the time.  He is very high energy though and needs to run and chase the ball as much as is humanly possible. My older Westie is the complete opposite of him, a very laid back pooch. She is the matriarch of the family though and she can put him in his place with one snap or growl.Murphy is extremely cute and very good with my kids. They get mad at him when he jumps on their beds and steals their stuffies but it is all a big game to him.  He is very smart and has been fun to train as he catches on very quickly (fetch, sit, come). We are still working on decreasing his barking now that we are living in a condo on the ground level and he sees every passerby as the enemy.
We all love Murphy and are glad to have him in our lives.  He is such a character !!


Millie came into rescue from an Ontario Humane Society. She is approx 2 years old. She is a typical young Westie and full of fun. She is currently in a foster home

Angus NB 2021 (2)

Angus Bruce

We would like to welcome one of our newer rescues ANGUS BRUCE to our rescue family in Nova Scotia. He came into rescue at 3 years of age. His Mum passed away and his Dad had to go back to long working days and felt it wasn’t fair for Angus to be alone, so he asked us to find Angus a new home where he would have constant company. Angus does have some anxiety issues and has been placed in a wonderful foster/ hopefully forever home with some experienced Westie people

AngusNB June21 (2)

Happy Tails


This a new little rescue looking for a home She is 9 years old and her name is Highland!. Her owner has had some surgery and had put Highland into boarding for a month. It seems that the owner now says that she cannot manage her and has asked that she be put to sleep. The owner of the boarding facility has convinced the owner that she be turned over to rescue instead. So we are trying to find a loving home for her. She is a very pretty girl with lots of spunk. She has diabetes but this is controlled by medication. She has very little sight left so this is her main issues. She is very loving and gets along well with everyone except cats. If you would like to give this girl a caring, loving home, and you are home most of the day, please complete and submit an application form.

Update! Highland has gone to her new home!

 She is with her new family and doing very well.
We did experience a bit of delay last week when her babysitter placed her with a family.
It seemed to be a very good home but unfortunately the resident dog did not accept her and she was returned the next day. A short week later Westie Rescue of Canada brought her to her new family.
When Highland met her new Westie sister both tails were wagging! She is settling in nicely and enjoying the good life with lots of cuddles and tummy rubs.This little girl is even cuter than her pictures and beyond sweet!
Highland still has some sight, I think she sees shadows and gets around nicely.
Westie Rescue of Canada will have her assessed by an Ophthalmologist to see if we can have anything done to help her regain more of her sight. We had so much interest in Highland that she only had to travel a short drive to her new home.
Thank you everyone for your support and to everyone who expressed interest in Highland.

Robbie  (rescued July 2017)

Hello, my name is Robbie and I have an interesting story to tell.
In the summer of 2017 I lost my way and was left to wander the streets hungry and alone.
Eventually I was found and taken to Westie Rescue of Canada who arranged to have me adopted by my new family. I had a lot of health issues including weightloss, ear infections as well as Malassezia dermatitis on my legs and belly. Those problems have all been corrected and I am now physically and mentally healthy.
Last year, I ran and played with my sister McKenzie and older brother Seamus in our large 1 acre property. We would chase after squirrels but could never catch them before they climbed into trees and laughed at us. Sadly Seamus died of pancreatic cancer in September 018. Mum, Dad. McKenzie and I miss him a lot.
One of my favourite pastimes is going for long walks. I am a really good walker but occasionally I have to stop so I can use my sense of smell to understand the world around me. Fortunately, mom or dad is attached to me by a collar and leash which ensure we don’t get lost.
I also enjoy our trips in the family truck... especially when they include a walk in the park or a hike in the woods. Iusually fall asleep on the drive home but my nose always wakes me up when we are two blocks from the house.
I feel like I’m the luckiest dog in the world!

Kailey 2

Kailey (rescued 2018)
Kailey, a 9yr old West Highland white Terrier came to her new home, an acreage just outside of Sherwood Park.The move was necessitated by the move of her original and only owners into a no pets€¯ condo. It was a sad time for them and after getting to know Kailey for only a short time it is easy to understand why.The move was coordinated by the Alberta branch of Westie Rescue of Canada. Lise was very thorough and caring,ensuring she was turned over in good health and to the right new home.
Kailey was a little tentative ( and understandibly so ) the first few days, but soon warmed up to both me and her new home. She is very content except when she spots a squirrel out either the front or rear window. She quickly came to associate evergreen trees and squirrels. She soon settles down after a few minutes of vigorous barking. She loves to sit out and look out the window. She loves her twice a day walks sometimes short, other times long. She likes to explore in the long grass or along the edge of the bush.She is very appreciative and has several cute ways of showing this ā€“ perky ears and a wagging tail. She is a wonderful companion and I am happy to have her in my life.

 Kailey’s new Dad.

Jazzy Apr2017

Jazzy rescued 2016

 Jazzy is doing great.  I can't believe how much she has changed since she has been mine, let me rephrase since I became hers.   Jazzy has gone from a quiet, nervous girl who spent a lot of time in her crate (which by the way belongs to the cat now) to a very comfortable I own everything and everybody in this house kind of girl.  She now actively seeks attention from me and from her Auntie Mel.  We will be sitting down and the next thing you know she is up next to you pawing at you to get you to rub her belly and heaven forbid if you stop.  If we could just get her to stop barking so much when she is telling us there are birds outside flying by, or the wind made the tree branches move it would be nice but what can you do, she is who she is and you just have to love her. You take her outside where she could bark and pretty much nothing comes out of her mouth. Her personality comes out more and more as time goes by.  Life would be pretty boring without her.   Thank you to Westie Rescue of Canada for allowing me to be her Mum.

Aengus Rescued June 24, 2016

Aengus came to us as a temporary rescue on a beautiful day in June of 2016.He was almost 6yrs old and we were his 5th home.  How can that be????? You seemed so happy, but a little lost and not so sure of what was happening. Quite understandable.  We met, along with Oshy, outside and you just seemed to fit right in. You needed some reassurance (and still do at times) that it is ok to eat your food, go outside and come in and come and sit on our lap.  What a polite little boy you are. Probably should say big boy, cause you are definitely no little boy that is for sure. You have a wonderful personality, you love everyone, you are a bit of a goof ball, love to play, go for walks and best of all you have helped in teaching Oshy how to play.
So now after 10 months you have won our hearts many times over, Oshy and you play non-stop and you have this look that says €¯I’m here and I am not leaving€¯. You got that right!We had come to realize that we were looking for another special westie boy after losing our other Angus 3 yrs ago and there you were and with the same name(but spelled different). How anyone could have given you up, we still cannot understand. Their loss our gain! At this point (fingers crossed) have found no health issues,  and Life is Good and we officially adopted Aengus in Jan. 2017.


Basil & Kasper - rescued September 2016

From Basil (left) Hi! I have been at my furever home for 6 months now. I am soooo happy. I came to live here with Kasper (who has been with me for 10 years), and things have changed a lot! Firstly, my nasty ear infections that I have dealt with for almost my entire life are finally cleared up. It took my doc 3 months of diligent work  but we got it cleared up and such a relief for me! I have a nice doc here too, except she says she is happy that I put on the weight I needed but now she says to slow it down...she thinks I am perfect! I think so too! My new home has a young Westie here who is only a year and a half, but I have personally taken on his development to being a great Westie so I have high hopes for him. I am loving my new home, my yard, and getting to know my neighbors across the fence has been a real joy. The walks are nice too!
 From Kasper (right) I am now at my home that I am so happy with! I feel so safe and nurtured here I no longer have to be at Basil's fact, I enjoy a afternoon siesta upstairs while he is downstairs and I don't feel the need to have him in my sights anymore. In fact, there is another Westie here who is keeping him occupied so now I have time  for just "ME". My skin condition is now all cleared up, I am gaining weight, but according to the doc my teeth are still bad. I am now getting my teeth brushed which is a new experience for me, but that chicken flavored toothpaste is definitely a favorite. Hopefully I will be able to save  a few of these teeth, but canned dog food is a delight for me! Happy to have found my furever home

Buster & Maddie 2017,,,,,,

MADDIE AND BUSTER (rescued 2014)
Maggie( now called Maddie) and Buster were 5 yrs. old when they came into rescue during the fall of 2013. Their family’s lives had become increasingly busy with 2 toddlers and demanding work schedules.The family recognized that they were no longer able to give Maddie & Buster the attention they deserved and needed. That is when they reached out to Westie Rescue of Canada  to find a good home with someone who could spend more time with the dogs. Within a short time we found a great home and as they say “The rest is history!”
Here’s what Maddie and Buster’s new Mum has to say......
"Buster and Maddie are my 4th and 5th Westies.  All my other Westies were adopted as tiny puppies and I never imagined I would adopt rescue dogs.  However, when my beloved two little girls of 14 years died within weeks of each other last summer, my next door neighbour, who had adopted two Westies from WRC, wisely sent me the latest newsletter showing two sweet little faces who needed a home.  My heart melted and, within a few weeks, Buster and Maddie arrived on my doorstep.  I have found how rewarding it is to give a home to creatures who desperatlely need a loving home and to watch them start to trust again, has been a wonderful experience.  These two have brought joy back into my life and I know they are happy and feel safe and secure.  We are a happy threesome."

Dudley 2 (2)

DUDLEY  (rescued 2013)
Dudley is a very  handsome 11 year young boy from Alberta whose elderly owner passed away. When his owner became ill,  Dudley went to live temporarily with his groomer.  Sadly his owner passed away soon after. Unfortunately Dudley’s groomer was not able to keep Dudley for the long term and she called Westie Rescue of Canada for help in finding him a good home. She describes him as “ a great dog with lots of living still to do.”A home was found for Dudley in a home with a lady who had been wanting a Westie for quite some time. Dudley now has 2 other house mates as well, a small dog and a cat.We knew that Dudley liked other dogs but he had never lived with a cat.He was quite intrigued with this “cat creature” but they have become friends.He gets on well with both of his new friends and has been adopted and adored by his new Mum. Dudley has since turned 12 and is an active and healthy boy who loves his walks. He is a very lucky boy to have found such a wonderful home and was lucky to be helped along the way by his very caring groomer as well.
To quote his new Mom, she said “I love his endless smile and his cute little jaunt!”


Gizmo (Moe) – rescued  2011
Gizmo began his life with a family that just didn’t understand Westies.
After having him for approximately 4 yrs. they gave him to another family
Unfortunately, Gizmo was with his new people for only 6 months when the husband passed away. Poor guy was given up again. His new family included other pets and young children. Gizmo socialized well with the other dogs and was very gentle with the children. They did discover though that he was not housebroken. They began his training and were able to get it under control with only the occasional accident when he was afraid of something. This family loved him very much and thought him to be was a very special boy, but with their busy life raising a young family they felt they couldn’t give him the time and attention he deserved.Sadly, a year and half later at 6 yrs. old and still hoping for his forever home, Gizmo was surrendered to rescue.A very kind lady agreed to foster him temporarily until rescue could place him somewhere more permanent. After a couple of weeks Gizmo was placed with a family looking for a playmate for their young and energetic Westie. Gizmo loves to play with all the new squeaky toys and gets along great with his new Westie friend. He gets a little upset when someone leaves the house but is getting better all the time. Who can blame the little guy after being moved around so much!
He has had some relapses with his housetraining and his foster family is working with him on that. His foster Mom says he is just so happy in his new home that she thinks he wants to make sure it’s his!Gizmo is a very sweet and lovable and he has wiggled his way into their hearts! He is such an adaptable little guy. Gizmo has been adopted into his foster family and has settled right in!.


Jackson 2011
Jackson was surrendered to rescue  at the age of 4 yrs. He was loved and well cared forbut his family felt he was not good with small children. As they were going to be starting a family, his family decided it was best to give him to rescue for a new life with no children.
Jackson was placed in a foster home and after settling in he became affectionate and obedient with his new people. He had always been an only pet and it didn’t take long to realize that he could not live with cats. Jackson has so many good qualities but he has ans aversion to strangers. This is a big problem for him and needed some work
He does do well when he learns to trust his people and is within his comfort zone.
He also loves to play with his toys, especially his soccer ball!
Jackson went to a second foster home with a family that wanted a companion for their female Westie. After fostering him for awhile they understand his limitations and love him for who he is. They also found out that it’s not only soccer balls that Jackson loves, but balls of any kind! They have now adopted him and Jackson is a very happy boy living with his new family and Westie sister in Alberta.

Lexie 25 June 2012

AILIE & LEXIE   October 2011
Ailie, 10 years, and Lexie 2 1/2 years were surrendered to rescue when due to lifestyle changes their owners could no longer care for them. This was a very difficult decision for them to make as they had owned both these girls since they were puppies. With that in mind, the owners' wish and OUR goal was to find the girls a home together. A wonderful couple who had recently lost their pets to old age were looking for a Westie. When they heard about the girls, they eagerly openned their home and their hearts to both of them.
Ailie & Lexie are both  very sweet and loving but each with their own personality. At 10 years of age, Ailie likely found it more difficult to be re-homed. For a short time she was more of an observer of her new people but it didn't take her long to settle in and return their love.
Lexie, being the younger and more exhuberant of the two was full of love and kisses from the start. She may have been a wee bit hyper at first but has settled in and seems very content in her new home. Their new family love and dote on them and they are happy girls. Ailie and Lexie are well socialized and get along with everyone. They have Westie relatives and many Westie friends to visit and romp with. Life is good!
Ailie and Lexie have been adopted by their foster family. Lucky girls! Lucky family!

Maggie is a 14 year old little girl who has just come into rescue. She is deaf and her eyesight is also starting to fail. Her elderly family passed away two years ago and she was adopted by  a young family who were family friends. This couple had a small child and now are expecting their second child. They are moving and feel that it is not fair to put Maggie through the trials of another young child at her age. They have given her up to rescue. For whatever reason, Maggie has stayed pretty much in her crate over the past two years and the family said that they never really felt that she bonded with them. Maggie has gone to live with a couple who already have 3 Westies, an 12 year old male rescue that they took in last year at age 11, and 3 and 4 year old females. Since going to her new home, Maggie is following the other dogs around and the 12 year old and one of the girls are trying to get her to play. It was hoped that by being with other dogs, she would cue off them and her life would be more interesting. This seems to be the case as she now spends very little time in her crate. Because of her age, Maggie will likely remain a permanent foster of WRC. If you would like to assist with her veterinary care, please go to our sponsor page to donate.


TOM (age 7 years)
Tom came into rescue after having been shifted around to several homes after his original owner was unable to keep him. In his last home, he was kept in the bathroom all day while the people were at work as well as all night as he didn’t get along with their cats. Due to the extended periods of time that Tom was locked in the bathroom, he relieved himself in there but was unable to avoid walking or sitting in it. Tom also barked constantly while locked in the bathroom driving the owners roommate crazy. When WRC arrived to rescue him he smelt strongly of feces and urine. There were clumps of feces stuck to his fur along his entire body. His paw pads were caked solid with feces and his nails including dew claws were long. It was reported that when Tom was allowed out of the bathroom he was very dominant with the cats and the other small dog. The drive to his foster home was chilly as his foster mom had to drive with the windows open due to Tom's smell. Upon arriving at his foster home he was immediately taken to the bath where an extended period of time was spent digging feces from his paws and digging through the mats of fur for the clumps of feces. During the whole process Tom patiently sat and let his foster parents clean him up and then sat again while they attempted to brush as many mats out of his fur was they could. Tom’s fur on the lower half of his body is stained brown from the feces. Since being in his foster home he has shown no signs of dominance with his foster brothers (two westies) or any other dogs that he meets.  He walks like a perfect gentleman on the leash. Tom has had no accidents in the house and has not barked. He is slowly starting to show affection to his foster Mom and Dad and is starting to play with his younger foster brother.  Tom has been neutered and has had major dental work done for his rotting teeth. Tom's foster parents have started working with him on basic training and with treats his is slowly learning sit. Tom shows the potential to be a true Westie, full of love and attitude.
Tom was placed in a great home where he remained a foster for three months at the end of which time, he was adopted by this family. A very lucky boy!


Parker & Misty (September 2010)
These two 4year old sisters came into rescue because their owner had been given an eviction notice because the dogs barked too much for the next door neighbor. They are very happy girls who rarely got walked, and spent most of their lives in the basement. Also their housebreaking routine left a lot to be desired as they spent a lot of unsupervised time alone in the house. Because their barking seemed to feed off each other, it was decided that they should be separated. Parker is now in a foster home with another rescued Westie named Angus. She is having some ear problems as a result of allergies and at this point has not been adopted. Misty has gone to a wonderful home where she too has a Westie brother named Duncan. She has been adopted by and is
thriving with her new family. Neither girl is now a barker and they adore their long walks in the countryside.




Rescued July 2010
Zoe, age 4, was turned in to rescue from a home with two very small children. The people felt that their life was too busy with the children and they just didn’t have time for a dog. Zoe was very frightened when she came into rescue. She seemed to be spooked quite easily. She didn’t like being in a foster home with another dog, she wanted to be the queen bee. So Zoe is now in a wonderful home , with a couple who have had a Westie before and know how to deal with her issues. She goes to work with them everyday and loves to go for walks.  She is also learning how to sail and is taking to the water quite well. Zoe will be adopted by her foster family




JACK a.k.a. Sydney rescued June 2010
Jack  was 5 years old when turned into rescue.
He had horrible skin issues and very long toenails that were curling into his footpads. He was a very sad little boy.
With proper veterinary care a loving foster home and two other Westies to play with, Jack is doing very well.
His name was changed because he is now so happy in his foster home that he runs around like a Jack Rabbit. Because of his skin issues, Jack will probably remain a permanent foster with WRC. As a result, any financial help with his care will be greatly appreciated.


MACK a.k.a.Milky rescued June 2010

Milky, age 7, was turned into rescue by a lady who had rescued him a year previously from a home where he was abused by two small children and had terrible skin issues. She had worked very hard with him to fix his skin and socialize him. She has done a great job and Milky is now a very nice little fellow who has gone to live in a home with a 5 year old female Westie. The two of them get along very well and he is very happy. Now called Mack, he will be adopted by his foster family.




Baxter, age 4, and Crush AKA Charley, age 3, were owned, one by a brother and the other by his sister. Both boys were left with elderly grandparents as the younger people had no time for them. They apparently were walked 20 minutes twice weekly. Although Baxter had been to Obedience class, what he learned was never practiced. He was very afraid of strangers and totally uncontrollable in his home. He did not know how to deal with other dogs or people that he met. Westie Rescue of Canada volunteers went and walked these two boys many times in order for them to be placeable.
Crush was a very frightened dog. He had NEVER been socialized. He was very afraid of other dogs and strangers. Sometimes his fear manifested itself in aggression. This dog also only received two 20 minute walks per week max! Once he knows you he is actually a very sweet dog. WRC volunteers walked Crush along with Baxter many times to try to make them placeable in  foster homes.
Baxter loved his walks and is a very fast learner. He quickly learned that other dogs were OK and he needn’t be aggressive with them. He is now in a foster home with Bonnie (Duchess - a 2009 rescue) and is learning how to act properly. His barking is becoming much less and he is learning quickly to be social. Baxter is being adopted by his foster family. Crush loved his walks also and because he is so young, his personality will be very malleable. Crush is now in a foster home and learning how to behave. He will be adopted by his foster family also.Because Baxter & Crush had only been living together for less than 1 year, and because Crush’s aggressiveness seemed to feed off Baxter, it was decided to place these boys in separate homes. This seems to have been the right decision as each of them are settling into their new homes and there is no longer any sign of real aggression from Crush(now called Charley). Another Happy Ending!!!!!!




Rescued February 2010
George came into rescue at 11 years of age. He was originally owned by a family who were moving on and left him with some friends. Well George just wasn’t fitting in to his new family and WRC was called as the lady wanted him to go to a family who “understood terriers”. George spent a couple of weeks staying with a very kind Westie breeder in his area until transportation could be arranged for him. He is now living with a wonderful family who have two female Westies (2 and 4 yrs.) of their own
George has just adapted right in to his new life and runs and plays with the girls. They have literally given him new life! It cannot be said better than in this comment from his new forever Mum  - “I can not say enough wonderful things about George
He races with the girls to the door to greet us and pushes his way to give us kisses, he chases balls when we throw them and is the first at the door when we call them to go for a walk and always with his tail wagging. Such a great guy!!!”


OSHIE a.k.a. Ocean -  rescued February 2010
Oshie is a 2 ½ year old very sweet little boy who has had skin issues since he was 3 months old. His previous owner tried her best to deal with the problems. She contacted his breeder but for some unfortunate reason they were unable to work together to help Ocean. Ocean’s Mum was a single Mum and did what she could to get treatment for Ocean but her funds were limited. She decided that it was best for Ocean to be given up to Westie Rescue of Canada in the hopes that there might be some treatment available for him. She just could not see him suffer any longer. Ocean is in a wonderful foster home and now in the care of a Veterinary Dermatologist. His recovery progress has been nothing short of a miracle with the medication and the 3 x’s weekly baths by his foster parents. Unfortunately this treatment and the proposed ongoing treatment for Ocean will be very costly. Westie Rescue of Canada will continue to be involved with the vet costs for the rest of Ocean’s life. As a result WRC needs your financial help to assist this little guy on his road to recovery




Rescued Feb. 2010
Tess’ original owner was an elderly lady who had to give her up because she could no longer care for her due to her own health issues. At 18 months of age , Tess was given to a young couple who ran a Children’s Day Care. The lady did not feel comfortable with the Terrier personality being around young children, so Tess spent much of her day in a crate. The family decided that she needed a better life and at age 4 she was given up to Westie Rescue of Canada.
Tess is very loving. She thrives on human contact and attention of any kind. The more she gets, the more she gives back. She was shy and reserved when meeting new dogs but very playful once familiar. She plays well by herself and is easily trainable.
Tess has been adopted by her Foster Dad and she now has a Westie brother as well.


MAGGIE rescued February 2010
Maggie is a 4 ½ year old girl who came into rescue because her Mum developed health issues and had to go into hospital for an extended time. She had been in a kennel for 4 months and her friendly personality was changing. Previously, Maggie had been a very happy, sociable little girl who liked to play. At the time we picked her up, she was quite withdrawn and growling at the other dogs at the kennel. Maggie needed a home where the people knew how to bring her back to her original personality and we had a family who had just lost one of their Westies and they needed another Westie to fill the void. Maggie has filled the bill and she has settled in really well. She and Jake, their other rescue Westie, are now inseparable. This one was really a win-win situation


TOBY rescued January 2010

 This very beautiful little boy came into rescue at 11 months of age. He was originally owned by an elderly man who was unable to keep him due to his health and gave him to an elderly lady. This lady developed her own health issues and also was unable to keep him. Toby now has a wonderful new family in his forever home that includes two other rescued Westie boys. All three boys sleep in the kingsize bed with Mum and Dad. Life is good!


BONNIE a.k.a. Duchess rescued June 2009
Bonnie , 2 years old, had been in a home where the family worked very long hours and she spent about 12 hours a day in the laundry room. Fortunately the owner realized that her own lifestyle had made a drastic change from when she first got “Duchess” and that it wasn’t a very desirable life for a dog. She called WRC and we were able to place this little girl in a home that was used to having a Westie and the people were home all day. Duchess is now called Bonnie.
Bonnie’s new Mum says….
“Little Bonnie is turning out to be a wonderful Westie. When she first came to us she was not used to going for walks or being on a leash and would bark at anything moving along the way, even her own shadow in the evening when we  were out.  I have spent a lot of time with her using positive re-enforcement and she now walks beside me and is happy to see other dogs and people along the way.  She is a very happy little one and really loves people. We are so happy to have her in our life.”


PONGO now called FERGUS


FERGUS a.k.a. Pongo rescued July 2009 Fergus was 2 years old when he came into rescue. He came from a family with 3 small children and another on the way. The family felt that he was being aggressive because when he grabbed the children’s toys and they tried to get them back he would growl. Also when he walked with Mum and the children, he would growl as strangers approached. Unfortunately the family didn’t realize that Fergus loves to play tug and play growl. He also was protecting the family as others approached. He is now living with a couple who have had Westies all their lives. They absolutely adore him and say that he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. He is a very happy boy and has settled very well into his new forever home




Rescued February 2009
Geordie spent all of his early  life in a Pet Store located in a Shopping Mall. At 6 months of age he was diagnosed with CMO. Their solution was to take him to the SPCA to be euthanized.
Now there was a lady who worked at another store in the mall who had been watching this Westie pup and felt so sorry for him living in a cage. She had her own Westie at home but on her lunch breaks at work would go to the Pet Store and ask if she could take the Westie pup for a walk. When she heard what was going to happen to the puppy, she asked if she could have him. The Pet Store owners agreed but she had to sign a release for any medical claims against the store. As she could not have 2 dogs where she lived, she asked Westie Rescue of Canada to help.This wee boy is now in a wonderful home, living with a big brother Westie who is 2 ½ and was also rescued last November. . Geordie, as he is now called, had only a mild case of CMO and has fully recovered
He is living a great life, getting into all sorts of mischief and just being a Westie. He  has been adopted by his foster family and has since been joined by another rescue called Toby




Rescued June 2008
Jake was turned into Westie Rescue of Canada at 7 years of age. He is a healthy, loving and playful little boy. He was very affectionate with his family. Jake’s problem is that 99 % of the time he was like that with family friends as well but if someone got too close to his face, or in his face, he would nip at them. His family felt they could no longer deal with this problem. Jake’s is now living with his foster family who are experienced Westie owners. He now has a playmate, and he and Finnegan are great buddies. He has adjusted also to the family cat and birds. The latter two have taken some time but everyone is settling just fine. Jake still has his problem but his new family is able to deal with it and love him dearly. Jake also has some allergy issues and these also are being dealt with. Resolving the allergy issues has been an expensive undertaking but progress is being made. Jake’s foster family have been paying Jake’s vet bills and and have now adopted him.
Two years later, Jake is the model guy, he gets along well with everyone. He has now been joined by a little female rescued Westie named Maggie


FRASER Rescued February 2007
Fraser was taken into a veterinary hospital to be euthanized because his owners could no longer deal with his skin problems.  The veterinarian convinced the original owners to turn this spunky little dog over to the hospital and let them find him a new home.  The vet then called Westie Rescue of Canada.
Fraser’s skin issues were very minor BUT he was drinking enormous amounts of water and having to urinate every 45 minutes or so.  Upon further investigation, it was discovered that Fraser had Cushings Disease and also that he had a tumour on his thyroid. Once the tumour was removed, the Cushings Disease quieted, the skin issues cleared up and Fraser was one happy little dog.  He was adopted by his foster family who also had 16-month old Westie. Fraser and Geordie played and slept together and were the best of buddies.
Unfortunately after 18 months in his new home, Fraser succumbed to a recurrence of his cancer and crossed over the Rainbow Bridge




Rescued February 2007
At 1 year of age, Markus had been abandoned by his owner with some friends who were not dog people and worked 12 hour days. For 6 months, Markus spent all day locked in a stairwell. When the people got home from work they were just too tired to walk him. Fortunately the son realized that this was no life for a dog and so he turned him in to Westie rescue of Canada at age 18 months. He was so poorly groomed that we weren’t sure that he was really all Westie. After some proper grooming, Markus is looking like a true Westie and certainly has Westitude. His coat was so very thin and undernourished.  He is filling out beautifully now.
Markus is a sweet loving dog. He gets along well with other dogs and loves people. He DOES like to bark at the birds and anything else that moves. His family is teaching him appropriate behavior and he is learning to fit into his new family very nicely. Markus has been adopted by his foster family


Rescued October 2005
Megan was 5 years old when she came into Westie Rescue of Canada. She had been purchased as a puppy in 2000 for an 80 year old lady by the family. Megan lived a very quiet life and her excitement was going for her short walk everyday.
In 2005, her elderly owner was unable to take Megan when she was moving into a Care facility, and called WRC. Megan is a very sweet, loving Westie but does have some skin issues.
Megan went to live with a foster family who already had a westie but were happy to take on her care. Megan and her new “sister” get on very well. Megan has been adopted by her foster family.


ZOE Rescued February 2005
Zoe was 9 when she found herself needing a new home. Her elderly owner was no longer able to care for her due to her own health problems. Her family cared for Zoe for a while but they had animals of their own and one more was too many. Zoe was a very well socialized, healthy Westie when she came into Westie rescue of Canada in February of 2005. Zoe’s foster Mum had recently lost one of her 2 Westies and the remaining Westie was going through a serious depression. Zoe to the rescue!
Zoe is a very rambunctious, fairly obedient, alpha Westie with an enormous appetite. She is extremely loveable. She made herself at home very quickly and readily settled into her new routine. Zoe was adopted by her foster Mum.
Unfortunately , Zoe’s new owner succumbed to cancer in March 2008, so Zoe has been re-homed again. She is now in a home with a 12 year old boy and they have become the best of friends. Westies are the most adaptable creatures


ROBBIE Rescued December 2004
Robbie came into Rescue at age 5. His owner was at her wits end trying to deal with his skin problems. Unfortunately an endless amount of money was spent on ineffective veterinary care which gave him no relief.
Robbie knew a life of love but his owner didn’t know what to do for him. She was advised by one vet to have him put down. His breeder was unable to take him back as she was no longer in a position to care for him. Despite all this, an angel was watching out for Robbie. Maureen, the foster mum who had cared for Bobby until he went to his forever home, agreed to take him on. As luck would have it, Maureen happened to be in Vancouver on business in early December. Robbie was picked up and delivered to the airport along with his nice new warm snuggly coat (he had no hair and it was –27 in Edmonton). He flew home in a sherpa bag with his new foster Mum to start his new journey. After a short time in his foster home, Robbie went to live with a couple who absolutely doted on him. Since that time, Robbie was joined by a little female Westie who also was a rescue, so he now has a playmate.




BEAR  Rescued October 2003
Bear was rescued from the pound at age 7. He was a very thin, scrawny Westie who had been turned into the pound because his owners were moving out of the country. He was neutered at the pound.  He had obviously never been socialized and required a home with only one dog (HIM !). He did not get along with other dogs, especially big dogs. Bear was placed in an adult foster home and the people have worked extremely hard to teach him some manners and socialize him. This is an on-going process. Bear has been adopted by his foster parents. He is a very affectionate member of the household. Bear’s Dad says:
“I can’t imagine NOT having Bear in our lives. Bear has become a loyal companion and a best friend to all of us. He knows his place in the house and has figured the way we live and has become a part of our family, dancing around on his hind legs when any of us arrive home.”Footnote: When Bear was rescued from the pound we were told that he was 7. However he came with a “pedigree” that said he was 9. Seeing him 5 years later, he was more likely 9 at the time of rescue.


The owners of this 5 ½ year old male Westie contacted Westie Rescue of Canada about finding a home for their dog. It seems the children had grown too busy to look after him.
He had spent the five years of his life living outside and sleeping in the garage. He was not allowed in the house. He did have a small TV provided in the garage for his amusement but according to the daughter who looked after Bobby, he hated the sound of the fridge and freezer that were kept in the garage. It seems that this little guy was totally cared for by the 11 year old daughter. When he was about age 2, he developed skin problems. He was taken to the vet and medicated with Prednisone.  The skin problems persisted and eventually developed into a yeast infection, malassezia. (Cortisone only encourages the progression of malessezia) .Bobby’s skin problems became worse, he started developing black elephant skin and a very bad odor. Also he was constantly scratching. Fortunately his owners contacted WRC. Bobby was placed in a foster home with another Westie for a few days but because of his odor, the lady’s allergies blew up and the people were unable to keep him. Fortunately, very quickly, a foster home that was better able to manage Bobby’s problems was found in Edmonton and so with the effort of some caring people, Bobby was able to be transported to Edmonton. Through all this, Bobby’s tail kept wagging and his Westie spirit never wavered.
 When Bobby arrived at his second foster home, His new foster Mum said,  “I had received prior pictures of Bobby but they didn’t even come close to preparing me for the sad sight I was to experience.
When Bobby finally arrived, he was just so pathetic and sad looking for a 5 year old.  Struggling to walk and hold his head high, his tail, nonetheless never stopped wagging. As he had only spent his life thus far living outside and in the garage, Bobby was not housebroken and very unfamiliar as to what to do inside the house.  We thought he was going to jump out of his skin when his little leopard print dog bed (which came from his home) was produced in the house.  He went crazy and was feeling more at home.  Any time the doorbell rang, Bobby wouldn’t join the other dogs in running to the door; he would stand in the living room and spin in circles.  This became known as his “happy dance.”
Bobby was started on ketaconazole and started on his way to growing hair back that was missing on his front and back legs, chest and belly. !  Bobby was given bathes every week and really enjoyed them. But most of all he enjoyed FOOD!  By the time Christmas rolled around, he was sleeping in bed.
Bobby has been diagnosed with spondylitis, which means his spine is fusing. Bobby doesn’t run, he hops! What a sight, just like a bunny! He is very unsure of stairs, going up or down. He loves to ride in the car. BARKING is one of his favorite things to do.  Bark, spin, bark, spin! He has such love in him and he never holds back giving it to you.
Bobby is just a joy to be around and we can all learn from him, as he has faced many adversities in his short life but has forgiven those who mistreated him and has been able to trust … as well and give and receive love again.
Bobby is now in his forever home. He lives with his new Mum and 2 cats. He goes to work with his Mum four days a week and goes to Doggie Daycare one day a week so that he gets to socialize with other dogs. He is a very happy boy. Bobby’s medical costs for his skin condition are ongoing and because they are so extensive, he has been supported by Westie Rescue of Canada.




Missy was BC’s first Westie Rescue Dog! She was found wandering the streets of Vancouver in November 2002. She was picked up by the pound and unclaimed. The Pound placed her with a family. She was fed the least expensive brand of dog food. She developed many skin and ear problems but because the people had very little money, she received no veterinary care.
In February this family brought her into the SPCA to be euthanized because she was keeping them awake as she was “scratching her ears all night”. Fortunately the Terrier Rescue person who happened to work for the SPCA called Westie Rescue of Canada. The day after being notified, WRC placed Missy in a foster home. She had serious ear infections, a very sparse coat, an early slipping patella on both  her back legs (one much worse than the other) and weighed 10 pounds. She had a very sweet disposition towards most people. She did NOT however seem to like other dogs. Missy was thought to be about 3 years old at the time of her rescue. With a healthy diet, medication, good care and lots of love, her skin improved somewhat. Her ears took at least 2 months to clear.
Missy’s foster parents have adopted her. Now after 5 years, Missy is learning how to socialize with other dogs and finally has 3 or 4 dogs  that she likes to meet and greet on her walks. She had obviously never been socialized and was quite aggressive with other dogs and some people. This has been an ongoing battle for Missy’s owners and a learning experience for Missy. She is on a very healthy diet and her skin and ears have improved but her seasonal allergies are still a major problem. Her family has the ongoing expense of keeping her on Cyclosporine which is a very costly drug that works well for some Westie skin conditions. Because of the Cyclosporin, her ears and skin only have occasional flare-ups. She has a beautiful thick coat of hair. Vet bills for Missy have averaged about $2500. per year to keep her feeling happy and looking good.
Missy is a bright, inquisitive Westie with a very strong personality, full of love, playfulness and curiosity. She loves to play Hide and Seek, and has a special trilling call when pleasantly surprised. She “owns” her leash and regularly folds it back and forth, then carries it away in her mouth to her bed where she keeps it with her favorite toys. She takes very good care of her toys and still, amazingly, none of them have any tears or holes in them.
Unfortunately Missy’s back one leg has gotten worse and is to the stage where it is going to require surgery to repair it. This will cost about $3000. to $3500. Because of the ongoing huge expenses Missy’s family has and will have with her care, Westie Rescue of Canada is hoping to assist with the costs of her surgery

Cubby (aka Cubby)

Cubby came into rescue at 14 years of age. He travelled all the way in the cabin of the airplane from Toronto to Vancouver with a wonderful volunteer from Pilots and Paws. Cubby had many health issues when he arrived but had an incredible amount of Westitude for his age.


Cubby is a very lucky boy to be fostered by a wonderful man who  has worked with Cubby to overcome some of his anxiety issues and  has also dealt with his tummy issues. Eventually it has been determined that Cubby does not digest Vitamin B properly and this was causing all kinds of health issues. He is now on Vitamin B shots and is doing extremely well.  Cubby also has a Westie brother who is 5 years old and was rescued about 5 months before Cubby arrived. Cubby’s vet bills for 2015 have totaled over $4000. His spunk and attitude make every penny more than worth it. Because of the high cost of vet bills, he will remain a permanent rescue so that Westie Rescue of Canada can assist with his vet bills. If you would like to help with Cubby’s vet bills please donate

Sadly in February 2015 Cubby went to the Rainbow Bridge. We feel happy that his last year of life was as good as could possibly  be. He could not have been loved more or had better care.


 MAGGIE rescued January 2015
Maggie came into rescue in January 2015 at the young age of 12 years. Her age might indicate a senior BUT she is a very healthy little miss who seems much younger thatn her years, according to our vet. She came from an extremely busy, active family with 3 young children and another dog. She was becoming very stressed and uncomfortable around the children. Maggie was placed in a quiet, loving home with no children and where she is the only dog. She has settled in and is thriving. She now has a new "kitty" brother who she is fond of, and especially fond of stealing his food! Maggie has been adopted by her foster family. She is a sweet girl and is a lucky girl to have found such a great new home to  live out the rest of her years .

Corona closeup

CORONA/Cora rescued June 2013
This sweet little girl (now called Cora) was 7 years old when she came into rescue.  She is good with other dogs and good with children but has not had a lot of exposure to them. She is curious but not aggressive with cats. She is house-trained. Corona was given up to rescue as her family both worked and they said they felt they could not give her the time and the attention she deserves and so decided to let Westie Rescue of Canada find her a home where she would  have more company. Corona/Cora settled into her new foster home very well. She had a new westie brother and 2 sisters. Cora developed some troubling skin issues and was kept as a permanent foster for 2 years until these issues settked down. She has now been adopted by her loving foster family.



Gus came into rescue at 4 months of age. He had been purchased from a puppy broker by a couple who, once they had him realized that they were not prepared for the hectic times of dealing with an exhuberant, unhouse-trained puppy. Of course the broker would not take the puppy back, so they called Westie Rescue of Canada to help out. Gus spent a few weeks with a wonderful temporary foster family who had two Westies of their own and during that time, he followed the others and learned some acceptable behaviors. He then went on to his hopefully forever home. House-training has been a real challenge but he has it mastered now. During his first year year, Gus developed skin and tummy issues but the tummy issues have resolved and the skin issues are under control. Gus has now been adopted by his foster family.


Ailie 25 June 2012



To report a Westie needing help:
Call us at (289) 259 5793 or Lise (780) 907 5244


Westie Rescue of Canada
c/o 227 Newdale Court
North Vancouver, BC  V7N 3H2


Cathie (289) 259 5793 or  Lise (780) 907 5244



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© 2024 Westie Rescue of Canada (WRC)




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